I had arranged to meet Frances in a café on the Lothian Road. I had just sat myself down with a latte and she rushed in apologising that a chance meeting with one of my colleagues on the other side of town had delayed her a bit. Knowing the person concerned I was pretty impressed she’d made it that quickly across town!

Frances, a very talented artist with a fascination for form and pattern, had worked with Wilma Jack on the Breast Unit Out Patient Waiting Room and I was eager to find out more. Frances has an extensive track record including many international exhibitions, a variety of public commissions and residencies. In all her work a meaningful dialogue with people is at the centre of what she does and this was no different at the Breast Unit. She brought her experiences of supporting friends at Out Patients and those of the staff together with that of Wilma and Susan Grant, Edinburgh and Lothian Health Foundation’s Arts Manager.

The work Frances created was a response to four Elizabeth Blackadder prints which had been carefully chosen by Wilma and the unit team. A tulip motif now gently cascades over the walls and onto the glass paneling. Frances very much down played her contribution as a small gesture. I think it is a carefully thought through gesture with a big impact.